I personally think that one downside is that transitions are not perfect. Othe than that fantastic track.
I have also heard that you have reused some of your previous melodies in this one.
I personally think that one downside is that transitions are not perfect. Othe than that fantastic track.
I have also heard that you have reused some of your previous melodies in this one.
Yeah, I decided to use some of the previous ones that tended to generate good feedback. This song is pretty rushed, so don't expect this to be perfect.
Beautiful! Finish it.
Sorry I don't have the project :\
But I was planning to finally make a dubstep track :D
I just need to wait for the right day.
I like to make music when I'm inspired :p
Beautiful track! Love the melody and the drop! Have we found the new NightKilla / Rukkus??
Thanks for the support! Although I would not say my music has reached NK's level, it is true that my pieces are influenced by him.
Gotat go fast gotta go fast gotta go fast
I enjoyed the melodies but I thnk the transitioning needed some work as well as some parts just didn't fit together. Loved the sound effects though. Keep up with the good work.
Yeah! I'm still a beginner at transitioning, but I thought this was one of my best tracks. Thanks for the input! And BTW, sorry I disliked ur comment, was a misclick.
The beginning of the song just hurts my ears a lot and the rythm of the main synth just kept repating itself making it even more annoying to listen to. It kind of gets over ruled by the drums and the louder synth which also repeats. Sorry, not the best track you have created. :/
Perdón si no te gustó amigo xd, pero muchas gracias por tu consejo ;)
Love this alot! Just wished it was longer.
Thanks and thanks a lot for the follow!! (ΦωΦ)
I love this song. The beats are amazing and, somehow, it is quite catchy. I don't now if it is just me but whatever. Great track.
Thank you man!
Thanks :)
Amazing. This is also the earliest I have been to a great creator's music.
thank ya! glad you were early.
I have a YouTube channel. I post quite often there. In my spare time I create music and post it up to SoundCloud and Newgrounds.
Gaming and Music
Joined on 9/24/16